

The Power of Active Listening: Reconnecting in Disconnected Relationships

Defining Active Listening-2

"Do you hear me and does what I say matter?"  ~ Oprah

In a world filled with constant distractions and the ever-increasing pace of life, the art of active listening has become a rare and invaluable skill. This skill becomes even more critical when it comes to repairing and nurturing disconnected relationships. Whether it's with a partner, a friend, a family member, or a colleague, active listening can be the bridge that leads to understanding, empathy, and ultimately, reconnection. …

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Permission to Be Real: Allowing your true self to be seen in a world of perfectionism

Permission to be yourself blog

In today's world, we are often pressured to conform to certain societal or cultural norms and expectations. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us how we should dress, act, and even think. Keeping up with these expectations can be overwhelming and exhausting, and make us lose sight of who we truly are. It's important to remember that only you can give you permission to be yourself, and it's okay to embrace the real you. 

Being yourself means being authentic and true to your values…

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Be Kind Even When You're Right

Be Kind (1200 × 628 px)


We've all been in situations where we are convinced we are right about something, but in our determination to defend our beliefs, we can be unkind, disrespectful or even hostile. This can be particularly challenging when it comes to discussions about politics, religion, or other sensitive topics. But what happens when you are in the board room or a brain storming session with your team and you feel passionately about something?

Here is the bo…

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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Breaking up

All relationships have a shelf life. Navigating the ending is the hardest part.

"Experience is the toughest teacher because she gives you the test first, then the lesson." ~ Anonymous

I spoke with a client this morning who is suffering a devastating breakup. I couldn't help but feel for her. The breakup was inevitable, but she had been hoping that things would somehow work out - in the lack of any evidence. We talked about how falling in love is often the natural and easy part.…

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My break-up, breakdown and eventual breakthrough.


I would’ve used the word divorce, but that would only describe the part where lawyers & accountants got involved. As difficult as that was, the “break-up” was indeed the hard part.

He was handsome, soft-spoken, charming and a little mysterious. Despite my best efforts not to, I fell deeply and madly in love almost immediately. I can still recall the exact moment it happened. We stood on a street corner together. It was a sliding glass door moment as he swept my hair off my shoulder. He was all …

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